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Tag: public transport

Public transport cuts CO2 emissions by 40%

Public transport cuts CO2 emissions by 40%

September 26, 2014 | 0 Comments

Public transport is capable of reducing pollution by a staggering 40%, according to a recently released report from the University of California and the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), reports Nature World News. Opting for bikes, buses and walking over driving cars is key, as are improvements to existing transport, such as by […]

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App to revolutionize Finland’s transportation

App to revolutionize Finland’s transportation

August 12, 2014 | 0 Comments

Helsinki is hoping that an app that links and collects payment for all of the city’s available transport methods will reduce the need for car ownership, reports ThinkProgress. The app would connect users with a comprehensive guide to all transportation options in the city: subways, buses, taxis and ferries, as well as car and bike sharing services. The […]

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Study: Public transit use linked to attitudes about immigration

Study: Public transit use linked to attitudes about immigration

March 7, 2014 | 0 Comments

For many commuters, hopping on the subway is akin to jumping into the melting pot. In fact, according to one recently released Harvard University study, commuting can impact attitudes on immigration. The study targeted 480 participants over several Boston-area commuter rail platforms, and discovered that when riders mingle with others of varied ethnic backgrounds, social […]

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Commuting: just how wasteful is it really?

Commuting: just how wasteful is it really?

August 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

Does that old axiom, “It’s the journey, not the destination, that matters” apply to the topic of commuting? For many, posits Crikey, an Australian alternative news site, the tired cliche still rings true. Despite the bad rap commuting gets – common complaints that spring to mind are gridlocked traffic; road rage-suffering drivers; overstuffed subways… and […]

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