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Tag: trends

Universities lead the way on public transport

Universities lead the way on public transport

March 20, 2014 | 0 Comments

A recent study by the US PIRG Education Fund and Frontier Group reveals that the steps universities are taking to encourage students and staff to use eco-friendly modes of transport are paying off: fewer students are bringing cars with them to campus. University of Missouri Kansas City In 2011, UMKC’s students faced constant parking supply […]

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Tvilight, the next big energy efficiency innovator [Interview]

Tvilight, the next big energy efficiency innovator [Interview]

January 16, 2014 | 0 Comments

A city may spend up to 50% of its electricity costs on keeping streetlights on, even when there is no one on the road. The result? Bright streets… and an immense waste of energy and funds that would likely be better used elsewhere. Enter the Tvilight zone: a Dutch company’s sensing streetlight system, known as […]

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Electric school buses coming to California in 2014

Electric school buses coming to California in 2014

November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

By next year, students in San Joaquin Valley, California will breathe only clean air when they hop on to one of the many electric school buses their district is set to buy. Although all-electric cars have been growing in popularity in the U.S. for quite some time, the technology has never been employed in school […]

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Top 5 new developments in transportation

Top 5 new developments in transportation

July 23, 2013 | 1 Comment

It’s an exciting time for transportation – never before has getting from point A to point B been as fraught with questions about ease of use, customer experience, environmental implications and innovative progress as it is today. From dynamic parking pricing in San Francisco and taxi apps to world-changing bus rapid transport in Colombia, trends […]

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The car-free city: wave of the future?

The car-free city: wave of the future?

May 13, 2013 | 1 Comment

Will cars have a place in the cities of the future? Not if today’s urban planners have much to say about it, according to Fortune. Future urban design will not likely revolve around accommodating cars and drivers, as it did in the past, according to experts at a seminar called “Smart Cities,” held at Fortune‘s Brainstorm […]

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Distracted driving upgrades for new cars

Distracted driving upgrades for new cars

May 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

Zipping around in his flashy aerocar, George Jetson himself couldn’t have predicted today’s latest update in car innovation. Cars of the future are about to get a major safety upgrade.

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Car sharing trends: Beyond Zipcar

Car sharing trends: Beyond Zipcar

April 19, 2013 | 1 Comment

Thirteen years after the innovative car sharing service Zipcar burst – er, drove – onto the scene, car sharing is undergoing a new revolution in the U.S.

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