Tag: Vehicular automation

Survey finds drivers open to self-driving vehicles
A new poll suggests that drivers are very interested in self-driving vehicles, reports USA Today. More than three of four American licensed drivers questioned are “very likely” to consider or to purchase a driverless car, notes the poll, conducted by Insurance.com, a car insurance website. Of the 2,000 drivers surveyed, 86 percent said that driverless […]

Driverless cars: cheaper than human-driven in 5 years?
Within just five to seven years, reports Mashable, driverless cars will be cheaper than human-driven cars. That prediction is based on Cisco’s “technology trend watchers” analysis. Google, which earlier this year announced advanced integration of super-precise road maps with the company’s robot-driven vehicles, is best known for its driverless vehicles innovations, but Nissan is also […]

Self-driving cars benefit bikers, too
Self-driving cars don’t just merely make drivers’ lives easier — they may also save cyclists’ lives. Robot-driven cars don’t make the dangerous, poor and potentially fatal choices human drivers do, reports FastCompany. Plus, a self-driving car won’t develop road rage, either — an important and even life-saving benefit for the cyclist recipients of driverly anger. […]