“A Good Sign” movement spreads positivity via signage
Team Good Sign is endeavoring to spread good vibes, one bright yellow sign at a time. Founder Eric Dennis, driven by popular but negative TV news, created the sign to inspire and comfort others. He chatted with us about Team Good Sign’s product, mission, and long-term goals.

Team Good Sign is spreading cheer and positivity via their signs, which read, “THIS IS A GOOD SIGN.” From Team Good Sign.
RTS: What first inspired the Good Sign concept?
TGS: It was definitely created to be a solution to the very big problem of low morale in the world, due to all the doom and gloom in the media and on TV. We discovered that it was also a powerful tool that helps provide a lot of solutions socially. Connecting people in a fairly disconnected world. Giving people a reason to be nice. Providing accountability in the form of a brand that embodies a better way. We are making encouragement and civic duty fashionable again.
RTS: Tell us about some of Team Good Sign’s latest developments.
TGS: We have made significant strides in the past few months. And just this week alone we have accepted licensing offers from three more major market leaders: Fathead, Frame USA and EVOcap. Our brand is about to grow exponentially and virally. We just got over 3,000 new likes to our page in the past five days.
RTS: What have been some major moments in the company’s history so far?
TGS: I gave Jimmy Fallon a big Good Sign on the set of his Late Night show a few years back. [This video] actually has band Mumford & Sons asking for a sign from the audience at a live show.
SS: What is the company’s mission? What are your long-term plans?
TGS: We are a social business that believes in responsible marketing and we make money by licensing our brand to companies like these. We are seeking partners and are in an emergency capital-raise situation. But just until our royalties come in shortly. I lost my job recently and really need to get a meeting with someone that can back us financially so I can work on this full time and execute some critical operations for our platform in the short term.
SS: Why did you choose this particular shape and the yellow/black color scheme?
TGS: That particular shape of sign we chose was something that is just really well tailored — it’s designed for getting attention. Some people call the sign a Caution Sign, but I call it a Pay Attention sign. People expect signs to be instructional and telling them to do something or not to do something. They don’t really expect a sign to just ask them to feel better.
SS: Where would you next like to see the Good Sign?
TGS: We are taking it out to the world; we’re spreading the message through consumer products. So, by licensing with certain partners, we’ll have things like Good Sign hats and apparel. This is just the beginning. We’re going to be in the “everything” business with the sign, putting it on everything people use and see daily. The short answer is: Everywhere!
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