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Tag: remzem

Digital safety signs mean a traffic engineer has given up

Digital safety signs mean a traffic engineer has given up

October 9, 2013 | 2 Comments

We’re delighted to be joined by Chuck Marohn of Strong Towns for this post. You’re driving down an open road you travel every day, thinking more about your work, your kids or what awaits you at your destination than your surroundings. You don’t notice the cones or the construction signs, but when the big digital safety […]

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Distracted driving targeted by Florida texting ban

Distracted driving targeted by Florida texting ban

October 8, 2013 | 1 Comment

Louis C.K. fans remember his rant against distracted driving last month on late night’s Conan O’Brien. (Watch it here if you haven’t already.) “You’re in your car,” the comedian explained, “and you start going, ‘Oh no, here it comes… I’m alone’… It starts to visit on you, this sadness. That’s why we text and drive. […]

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Oklahoma bucks national trend of falling drunk driving deaths

Oklahoma bucks national trend of falling drunk driving deaths

September 30, 2013 | 0 Comments

Although U.S. alcohol-related deaths fell by around 20 percent over the last twenty years, Oklahoma experienced a 10 percent rise in drunk driving deaths during the same period. Considering the state has about the same vehicles, intensive public education campaigns, and tough drunk driving laws as the rest of the nation, it’s unclear why drunk […]

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Over 1/3 of 2011 child crash fatalities were without car seats or seatbelts

Over 1/3 of 2011 child crash fatalities were without car seats or seatbelts

September 25, 2013 | 1 Comment

As Child Passenger Safety Week (September 15 through September 21) draws to a close, the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA is drawing attention to a shocking statistic: Over a third of children under age 13 who were killed in 2011 in passenger vehicle crashes were not sitting in car seats or […]

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Cars pose greatest danger to NYC children’s safety

Cars pose greatest danger to NYC children’s safety

September 17, 2013 | 1 Comment

From deadly shark attacks to gunfire, many parents’ fears for their children are terrifying but unlikely, while a very real threat passes by nearly unregistered: traffic accidents. In bustling cities rife with traffic — such as New York — the biggest threat to children’s safety is found right on the road. (Case in point? Car crashes kill […]

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Commuting: just how wasteful is it really?

Commuting: just how wasteful is it really?

August 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

Does that old axiom, “It’s the journey, not the destination, that matters” apply to the topic of commuting? For many, posits Crikey, an Australian alternative news site, the tired cliche still rings true. Despite the bad rap commuting gets – common complaints that spring to mind are gridlocked traffic; road rage-suffering drivers; overstuffed subways… and […]

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Top 5 new developments in transportation

Top 5 new developments in transportation

July 23, 2013 | 1 Comment

It’s an exciting time for transportation – never before has getting from point A to point B been as fraught with questions about ease of use, customer experience, environmental implications and innovative progress as it is today. From dynamic parking pricing in San Francisco and taxi apps to world-changing bus rapid transport in Colombia, trends […]

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Washington D.C. residents against sidewalk biking

Washington D.C. residents against sidewalk biking

July 17, 2013 | 2 Comments

Even though Washington D.C. bans bike riding on sidewalk in its central business district (CBD), some residents want reforms in its 30-year-old law that imposes limited restrictions on sidewalk biking. Cycling on sidewalks puts pedestrians’ safety at risk and leads to congestion on sidewalks, especially when biking has nearly doubled since 2007 in the city. […]

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U.S. license plates vs. EU’s: humor vs. efficiency?

U.S. license plates vs. EU’s: humor vs. efficiency?

July 11, 2013 | 0 Comments

Most of us have played the license plate game on long road trips, or taken a picture of a funny personalized plate like “IMLAWST” or “WHO5 HOT.” License plates do more than just entertain–they help our countries keep tabs on us in more ways than one. Interestingly enough, license plates were created before the dawn […]

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Power tripping: How green are electric cars?

Power tripping: How green are electric cars?

July 9, 2013 | 2 Comments

Electric cars have been touted as the green wave of the future ever since George Jetson first shot across the animated small screen in his aerocar. But just how environmentally friendly — and, dare we ask, just how cost-effective — are they?   At least one researcher is asking exactly those questions. Ozzie Zehner, author […]

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