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Driving Safety Quizzes - Free


On an average, there are more than 6 million car accidents on the roads of the US, annually. With such an immense number of injuries and fatalities, knowing the basics of road safety is crucial regardless of age or experience.

As there are more than 500 Federally approved traffic signs displayed today, it is important for all drivers to be familiar with their images and meanings to ensure safe and smart driving.

Many Americans are uninformed of the potential dangers of drunk and/or distracted driving, leading to destructive decisions behind the wheel.

To pass a driver’s test you must understand traffic signs and the dangers of drinking or texting and driving. Unfortunately, many Drivers’ Ed sites require payment before taking their test. That’s too bad! Our tests are free and require no login.

These quizzes are a fun and informative way to learn about the precautions every driver can and should take to reduce hazards and lessen the risk of injury or death on the road.

What makes a driver distracted? Free, 20-question quiz to understand if you're a distracted driver. Learn about safe driving using helpful hints.
Taken 2,729 Times (Correct Answers: 79%)
20-question quiz tests your knowledge about how to best protect your children in and around cars. Topics covered are backovers, car seats, airbags and more.
Taken 1,157 Times (Correct Answers: 61%)
What is distracted driving and how many have succumbed to it? Take this simple, 20-question quiz to learn why it’s so dangerous to text while driving.
Taken 2,821 Times (Correct Answers: 53%)
Focus! Not on your phone, but on your surroundings! Take this quiz and realize that multitasking is not a good idea while walking on road.
Taken 1,150 Times (Correct Answers: 78%)
Drunk Driving Quiz   63967
You already know not to drink and drive, but these statistics will startle you. Ensure your employees never drink on the job and learn about the state laws.
Taken 6,604 Times (Correct Answers: 66%)
Warm up your traffic sign knowledge. This quiz contains traffic and road signs that are commonly seen and should be reasonably familiar to all the drivers.
Taken 42,080 Times (Correct Answers: 76%)
Signs can be overwhelming to a new driver. The quiz contains challenging signs that are just as important to recognize as those featured in the first level.
Taken 87,146 Times (Correct Answers: 76%)
Beginning Levels were easy? Take this quiz to see how comfortable you really are on the road. Test has a special emphasis on work zone and school crossing.
Taken 11,758 Times (Correct Answers: 73%)
Parking Signs   72811
Too many drivers are unaware of the increasing number of rules that are posted in a parking lot. Take this free test to learn more.
Taken 3,880 Times (Correct Answers: 74%)